Monday, September 30, 2019

Puzzle on Alkali Metals

This puzzle can be used as a fun learning activity on Alkali Metals. Teachers can use it as a starter or gap-filling activity or as an evaluation tool for Chemistry vocabulary building. This helps in improving litracy skills in chemistry.

Task: Find alkali metals in the following puzzle.

A S L I M C J T U C X S M M P 
D O J Q R U A I T Y T I U B F 
Q D Y V M O I E J C C R I G Z 
H I T L L T V S S S H T D R Z 
J U D X J F Y V S I D S I Z C 
E M F Z D K Q M I A U T B E Q 
T A Y S Z O Z Y I M T M U M P 
B D S X L P A K U X I O R H F 
V X E F A V X I Q M Q G P S Z 
H C U Y T U C R U D C W I J D 
Q K E Y W N Y C W J C Z J J S 
Q H H A A O A V R H C B U R C 
D O L R Q Z W J U G G A O Q C 
P V F L E C H H G P Y B A F N 
I K M K U A L I T H I U M C R 

Fun activity on Periodic table Elements

Fun activity on Periodic table Elements

This is a fun activity for periodic table and can be used as starter.

Cartoon of Elements

Use periodic table to identify group of cartoons. You can use first or first two letters also to find the name.


Carbon, Hydrogen, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Tantalum, Boron, Hydrogen, Iodine, Magnesium


Nobelium, Bismuth, Tantalum


 Sulphur, Hydrogen, Iodine, Nitrogen, Carbon, Hydrogen,


Sulphur, Hydrogen, Iodine, Vanadium


Krypton, iodine, sulphur, hydrogen

Memory map for atomic structure basics

Memory map for atomic structure basics

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Inter-conversion of States of matter

Inter-conversion of States of matter

The states of matter are inter-convertible by changing the conditions of temperature and pressure. On heating, a solid usually changes to a liquid, and the liquid on further heating changes to gas or vapour. In the reverse process, a gas on cooling liquifies to a liquid and the liquid on further cooling freezes to the solid.

Related image

Monday, September 23, 2019

IB Group 4: Chemistry

IB Group 4: Chemistry SL IB 1

Term 1
Term 2
Term 3

1.Stoichiometric relationships:
Introduction to the particulate nature of matter and chemical change
·         Chemical equations
The mole concept
·         Molar masses, Molecular formula and empirical formula.
Reacting masses and volumes
·         Limiting and excess reactants, theoretical, experimental and percentage yields.
·         Ideal gas equation.
2.Atomic structure
The nuclear atom
·         Nuclear symbol notation, number of protons, neutrons and electrons in atoms and ions. isotopes from given data, including mass spectra.
Electron configuration
·         The electromagnetic spectrum.
·         The shape of s and p orbitals
·         The electron configurations.
Periodic table
·         The electron configuration
Periodic trends
·         Prediction and explanation of behavior of elements and compounds.
4. Chemical bonding and structure
Ionic bonding and structure
        The ionic bond and the physical properties of ionic compounds
Covalent bonding
        Covalent structures and Polar nature of a covalent bond.
Intermolecular forces
        Properties of covalent compounds.
Metallic bonding
        Metallic bonding and properties
Measuring energy changes
        The heat change.
Hess's Law
·         Determination of the enthalpy change.
Bond enthalpies
·        The enthalpy changes from known bond enthalpy values.
6. Chemical kinetics
Collision theory and rates of reaction
·         Investigation of rates of reaction.
·         The effects of temperature, pressure/concentration and particle size on rate of reaction.
·         Construction of Maxwell–Boltzmann energy distribution curves.

·         The characteristics of chemical and physical systems in a state of equilibrium
·         The Equilibrium constant.
·         Determination of the relationship between different equilibrium constants (Kc) for the same reaction
·         Application ofLe Châtelier’s principle.
11. Measurement and data processing
Uncertainties and errors in measurement and results
Graphical techniques

Internal Assessment
The internal assessment task worth 20% of the final assessment will be one scientific investigation taking about 10 hours and the write up should be about 6 to 12 pages long.
The IA can be
a hands-on laboratory investigation,
using a spreadsheet for analysis and modelling,
extracting data from a database and analysing it graphically producing a hybrid of spreadsheet/database work with a traditional hands-on investigation,
• using a simulation provided it is interactive and open-ended.

Assessment in IB year 12: Regular assessment will take place using various formative and summative assessment methods.
Final Assessment at the end of IB Year 13.
Paper 1 (Weighting: 20%)– Multiple Choice – 45 minutes (30 marks). A calculator is not allowed for this paper.
Paper 2(Weighting: 40%) – Written Paper – 1 hour 15 minutes (50 marks). A calculator is allowed for this paper, you will also be provided with a data booklet.
Paper 3(Weighting: 20%) – Scientific Skills and the Optional Module – 1 hour (35 marks)
IA: 20 %

States of Matter in Chemistry

States of Matter in Chemistry

 Matter  exists in three physical states:
Solid: Particles are held very close to each other in solids in a regular order and there is very little freedom of movement due to strong attractive forces between particles.As a result, Solids have definite volume and definite shape.

Liquid: Particles are close to each other but they can move around due to weaker attractive        forces between particles compared to solid particles. As a result, Liquids have definite volume but do not have definite shape. They acquire the shape of the container in which they are kept.

Gas : Particles are far apart their movement is easy and fast due to negligible attractive forces
 between particles. Gases have neither definite volume nor definite shape. They completely
 occupy the space in the container in which they are placed.

States of Matter

Hydrogen ion concentration in a solution and pH scale

pH is the degree of acidity or basicity of a chemical substance in aqueous systems. In simple terms pH is the power of hydrogen ion or ...